Before I begin I would like to wish everyone a grand and happy holiday. The holidays are upon us and everyone is a touch happier and a bit more joyous.
The construction is moving a a furious pace. They brought in 2 trusses that will be the support for both the 2nd and 3rd floor over the main lounge. I want you to check out the photos because it is the only way that i can show how snowy it was out there. It is a bit precarious having two major pieces of the dorm moving in as one of the big snow storms of the year comes blowing in on the same day. I will say that the guys are amazing though. Never complained truly professional.
Today is the coldest yet but at least the snow is not coming down. I know you may be curious, Why work in this weather? Answer: they are hoping to get the roof up or ceiling to the first floor (what ever you would like to call it) up so that way they can pour cement for the first floor and then heat inside and not have to work in the harsh winter conditions.
Also I have had several request for blogs beyond the new dorm and i have good news to report on that front. at the beginning of the new year we will be adding new student blogs as well as alumni blogs to the bunch. I am hoping to find some other administrators who would like to blog and maybe even have a blog for people with interesting stories and items from their days at EC so i will keep you posted.