It is fun to talk to people on campus and get their opinion of the construction going on. Many offer their sympathies to the workers in this cold weather. Others are excited and curious. Everyone says that it is just plain cool, especially seeing the workers walking the beams up on the fourth floor. I can say from first hand experience that viewing the campus from that high of a point is rather exhilarating. To see the campus from a view point that no other person has is absolutely amazing. There is something very freeing about being that high up and having no walls or barriers around you and just feeling the wind blowing by.
Getting back the ones who talk about the freezing cold. Now don't miss understand it is cold but if you go inside of the building there are heaters pumping out enough heat that you can work in just a short sleeve shirt and be very comfortable. Check out the photos and see what I mean. I will have a photo update coming soon for all to see as well.
Also a few weeks ago I mentioned that student blogs were coming. I am here to confirm we recently had a meeting with students and administrators and have them set up. So keep an eye on the Elmira College website for an update.