0 comments Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Last night was the official ribbon cutting for Meier Hall. The end is here and a new day is begining. What memories will be made, friendships forged and long nights will be had.

While this is the end of this tale for Meier Hall a new day is dawing on the other side of campus. With the completion of the newst building to grace the Elmira College campus so begins the rebirth of Elmira Colleges inugrial building, Cowles Hall. Keep your eyes and ears open updates will be coming soon.

Meier Hall Ribbon Cutting

0 comments Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Meier Hall is fast approaching completion. Wiring is in place, walls have been painted, furniture has been moved in, floors are being finished and walkways are being created. It has been a great ride seeing the building go from a whole in the ground and transform into this building. It is amazing talking to the people who created this building. From the very beginning to now every person I have talked to is proud of this building. I am proud to say I was here from groundbreaking to grand opening. New photos are up and you can begin to get a real feel for the building. Now this may be the end of construction but it is the start of new memories and experiences for our Elmira College family.

window seats

0 comments Tuesday, April 6, 2010

We are coming down to the wire. The interior is being sanded and painted. The exterior is having its finishing touches applied. I knew this day would come. My tel tale sign that the building was going through its final paces when they started earlier this week putting in the pavers for the sidewalks next to the building as well as all the protective coverings for the main lounge floor while they painted the ceiling. We don't have a hard date for the opening but with room selection currently going on and having all but a dozen rooms left to choose from after just one day it is feeling more and more like the opening day is right around the corner. I have new photos to place up this afternoon so check back then and see what has been updated.

0 comments Tuesday, March 2, 2010

All six Grotesque's are up on Meier Hall.
right side eagle

left side eagle

center eagles




I have to say they are all really cool looking.

0 comments Thursday, January 7, 2010

Work is moving along. First floor lounge windows are the only exterior piece that is missing. Inside the smell of fresh paint and varnish are heavy in the air. The bathroom tilling is finished and hardwood floors have gone into the 4th and 5th floors. The weather has gotten very cold outside but luckily the building is nearing completion and is really quite cozy on the inside. Be sure to check out photos on flickr to see the progress on the inside.


Elmira College Since 1855